The history of Borobudur Temple
Borobudur was built around the year 800 AD or the 9th century. Borobudur was built by the adherents of Mahayana Buddhism during the reign of Dynasty dynasty. This temple was built in the heyday dynasty dynasty. The founder of the Borobudur Temple, King Samaratungga originating from or dynasty dynasty dynasty. The possibility of this temple was built around 824 AD and was completed around the year 900 AD during the reign of Queen Pramudawardhani who is the daughter of Samaratungga. While the architects who contributed to build this temple according to the story of hereditary named Gunadharma.
Candi Borobudur
Borobudur own words based on the first written evidence which was written by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, Governor General of the United Kingdom in Java, which gives the name of this temple. There is no written evidence that the older name in this temple of Borobudur. Only one of the oldest documents that show the existence of this temple is Nagarakretagama book, written by mpu Prapanca in 1365. In the book is written that this temple was used as a place of Buddhist meditation.
Meaning of the name Borobudur is "monastery in the hills", which comes from the word "coal" (temple or monastery) and "beduhur" (hills or high places) in Sanskrit. Therefore, in accordance with the meaning of the name Borobudur, then this place long ago used as a place of Buddhist worship.
This temple for centuries are no longer used. Then because of volcanic eruptions, most of the buildings covered with volcanic soil Borobudur. In addition, the building is also covered with various trees and shrubs for centuries. Then the building of this temple began in the days of forgotten Islam arrived in Indonesia around the 15th century.
In 1814 when the British occupied Indonesia, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles heard of the discovery of huge archaeological objects in the village of Magelang Bumisegoro. Due to the great interest the history of Java, then immediately ordered Raffles HC Cornelius, a Dutch engineer, to investigate the location of the discovery which was a hill covered with shrubs.
Cornelius assisted by about 200 men cut trees and remove shrubs that covered the giant building. Because the building considering the already fragile and could collapse, then report to the Raffles Cornelius invention includes several images. Since that discovery, Raffles was awarded as the man who started the restoration of Borobudur and the attention of the world. In 1835, the entire area of the temple has been unearthed. The temple is kept restored in the Dutch colonial period.
After Indonesia gained its independence, in 1956, the Indonesian government requested the assistance of UNESCO to examine the damage to Borobudur. Then in 1963, out of the official Indonesian government's decision to conduct the restoration of Borobudur temple with the help of UNESCO. However, this restoration was only really started on August 10, 1973. The process of restoration was recently completed in 1984. Since 1991, Borobudur designated as World Heritage or World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Borobudur temple is located in Magelang, Central Java, about 40 km from Yogyakarta. Borobudur has 10 levels consisting of 6 levels of a square, level 3 circular and a main stupa as a peak. At every level there are several stupas. Altogether there are 72 stupas in addition to the main stupa. In every stupa there is a statue of Buddha. Ten levels of Buddhist philosophy are the ten Bodhisattva levels that must be traversed to reach the perfection of the Buddha in nirvana. This perfection symbolized by the main stupa at the top level. Borobudur structure when viewed from above form a mandala depicting the structure of Buddhist cosmology and the human way of thinking.
On the fourth side of the temple there is a gate and ladder to the level above it like a pyramid. This illustrates the Buddhist philosophy that all life came from rocks. Stone later became the sand, then into plants, then into the insect, then a wild animal, and pets, and finally became a man. This process is known as reincarnation. The last process is to be the soul and finally into nirvana. Each stage of enlightenment in the process is based on the Buddhist philosophy of life depicted in reliefs and statues in the temple of Borobudur.
This huge building just a giant pile of stone blocks which have a total height of 42 meters. Each stone spliced without using cement or adhesive. These stones are only connected by patterns and stacked. The base of Borobudur temple is about 118 m on each side. The stones used approximately 55,000 cubic meters. All the stones were taken from the river around the Borobudur Temple. These stones are cut and then transported and connected with a pattern like a lego game. All without using glue or cement.
Meanwhile, relief began to be made after the stones are stacked and jointed finish. There are reliefs on temple walls. Borobudur has 2670 different relief. Relief is read clockwise. This relief illustrates a story that I read it starts and ends at the gate to the east. This suggests that the main entrance of the Borobudur temple facing the east like most other Buddhist temples.
Kamis, 16 Juni 2011
Landscape Sarangan
Landscape Sarangan will pamper your eyes, because you can see a vast lake and green mountains around Mount Lawu Sidoramping towering. Coupled with a calm lake water and a mirror from the hills and mountains around it. Staring at the mountain range and the mountains here also make more sense of calm and peace coupled with the cool mountain air with temperatures around 18-23 degrees Celsius. Cool mountain air you can enjoy because Sarangan situated at an altitude of about 1000 meters above sea level.
Surrounding Sarangan
On the edge of lake water bikes available that resemble a duck and a boat. This can be a means for those who want to surround the lake through the water. Or you can go around by horse or wagon offered by locals. Surely this can please your baby. Or for those who want to exercise, you can surround this lake with walking or running. You will also find a pine forest on the slopes of the mountains around Sarangan. The atmosphere is cool and beautiful will definitely make the sport enjoyable.
Close to Sarangan, there is the entrance to the waterfall. There are three waterfalls that you can visit here is a waterfall Watu Ondo, Shoulders Kiwo, and Jarakan. Near the entrance to one of the waterfalls, there used to be a monument to remember the plane Sarangan District next door to City of Madison who is the Main Air Force Base.
The road to the waterfall is not difficult, even half the trip can be done by car. The trip to the waterfall will be a fun trip. You will pass the mountain slopes are used for plantations. You can see a variety of vegetable crops that may be rare in the city. You can also dip your toe into the cold clear water and fresh are used for farm irrigation. This can be an attractive means of learning for your child.
Hotels and Lodging in Sarangan
All around this lake, there are a lot of jasmine-class hotels that can be the place you stay. Hotel competing offers prices that are not too expensive. You can stay in a room with 2 bedrooms, bathroom and living room with a price of about Rp 500,000, - for one night. Or there is only one room with a cheaper price. The inn also provides hot water for bathing and for drinking. Generally, this jasmine-storey hotel 2 so you can freely enjoy Sarangan with a broader perspective. You can also find at least 2-star hotels here.
Surrounding Sarangan
On the edge of lake water bikes available that resemble a duck and a boat. This can be a means for those who want to surround the lake through the water. Or you can go around by horse or wagon offered by locals. Surely this can please your baby. Or for those who want to exercise, you can surround this lake with walking or running. You will also find a pine forest on the slopes of the mountains around Sarangan. The atmosphere is cool and beautiful will definitely make the sport enjoyable.
Close to Sarangan, there is the entrance to the waterfall. There are three waterfalls that you can visit here is a waterfall Watu Ondo, Shoulders Kiwo, and Jarakan. Near the entrance to one of the waterfalls, there used to be a monument to remember the plane Sarangan District next door to City of Madison who is the Main Air Force Base.
The road to the waterfall is not difficult, even half the trip can be done by car. The trip to the waterfall will be a fun trip. You will pass the mountain slopes are used for plantations. You can see a variety of vegetable crops that may be rare in the city. You can also dip your toe into the cold clear water and fresh are used for farm irrigation. This can be an attractive means of learning for your child.
Hotels and Lodging in Sarangan
All around this lake, there are a lot of jasmine-class hotels that can be the place you stay. Hotel competing offers prices that are not too expensive. You can stay in a room with 2 bedrooms, bathroom and living room with a price of about Rp 500,000, - for one night. Or there is only one room with a cheaper price. The inn also provides hot water for bathing and for drinking. Generally, this jasmine-storey hotel 2 so you can freely enjoy Sarangan with a broader perspective. You can also find at least 2-star hotels here.
Papuma Beach
In addition to Watu Ulo Beach, the beach is also interesting to visit is the White Sand Beach Malikan (Papuma) adjacent to Watu Ulo Beach. Papuma beach stretches along the beautiful white sand and comfortable trampled viewed because it feels soft and smooth. Papuma often used as a sundeck by foreign nationals. Besides its natural beauty, Papuma Coast is also rich in fauna such as Lizard, Chicken Alas, the birds with its variety, Boar, deer, porcupine and pangolin.
To further add to the perfection of the scenery, in Papuma provided lodging and restaurants that provide food, Indonesian food and Ikan Bakar Khas Papuma.
• LOCATION: Village Lojejer Wuluhan District (West Next week Watu Ulo)
• distance to the LOCATION: ± 45 Km from the town of Jember
• AIR TEMPERATURE: Average 25 ° C - 32 ° C
- NATURE PANORAMA Papuma natural beauty with a blend of beach forest, sea and islands Gods (Krishna, Tone, and Bathara teacher)
- SAND WHITE: an attraction for tourists and habits of foreign tourists in the summer is sunbathing on the white sands of this
- SITI Hinggil: Siti Hinggil from locations that are at the height 100m/dpl, tourists can enjoy the beauty of the southern sea and the island of Nusa Barong
- CAVE Lawa: + has a depth of 30 m can be achieved at low tide (according to legend, this location is a dwelling place of the South Sea Princess Ruler "Dewi Sri Wulan" and the place of penance Kyai Mataram)
To further add to the perfection of the scenery, in Papuma provided lodging and restaurants that provide food, Indonesian food and Ikan Bakar Khas Papuma.
• LOCATION: Village Lojejer Wuluhan District (West Next week Watu Ulo)
• distance to the LOCATION: ± 45 Km from the town of Jember
• AIR TEMPERATURE: Average 25 ° C - 32 ° C
- NATURE PANORAMA Papuma natural beauty with a blend of beach forest, sea and islands Gods (Krishna, Tone, and Bathara teacher)
- SAND WHITE: an attraction for tourists and habits of foreign tourists in the summer is sunbathing on the white sands of this
- SITI Hinggil: Siti Hinggil from locations that are at the height 100m/dpl, tourists can enjoy the beauty of the southern sea and the island of Nusa Barong
- CAVE Lawa: + has a depth of 30 m can be achieved at low tide (according to legend, this location is a dwelling place of the South Sea Princess Ruler "Dewi Sri Wulan" and the place of penance Kyai Mataram)
In Jember There Cheap Beach Holidays
In Jember, East Java, one of the locations where the most visited vacation in the holiday season is a great school or day Watu Ulo Beach. Besides known by the waves are ferocious and very beautiful natural scenery, Watu Ulo beach tourists in great demand because it offers a cheap entertainment.
This is the atmosphere of the school holiday region Watu Ulo Beach attractions are located in the southern coastal town of Jember. Entering the holidays or when the big day, the beach is more or less than 40 miles from downtown is always bustling tourist destination both from within and outside the town of Jember. Even the few tourists.
Most visitors choose this beach because of its natural charm that is so compelling, in addition to malignancy waves also has its own charm.
Not only that, this beach vacation travelers will be treated to magnificent views of the cluster of small islands in the Indian Ocean. Vacation in these places also do not cost mahal.Pengelola levy a tariff of only three thousand dollars per person and includes the cost of parking the vehicle. In tourist areas visitors can also enjoy various foods with affordable prices
This is the atmosphere of the school holiday region Watu Ulo Beach attractions are located in the southern coastal town of Jember. Entering the holidays or when the big day, the beach is more or less than 40 miles from downtown is always bustling tourist destination both from within and outside the town of Jember. Even the few tourists.
Most visitors choose this beach because of its natural charm that is so compelling, in addition to malignancy waves also has its own charm.
Not only that, this beach vacation travelers will be treated to magnificent views of the cluster of small islands in the Indian Ocean. Vacation in these places also do not cost mahal.Pengelola levy a tariff of only three thousand dollars per person and includes the cost of parking the vehicle. In tourist areas visitors can also enjoy various foods with affordable prices
Karimun jawa

Karimun is located in the North Sea, north of Jepara, Central Java. This archipelago consists of 27 island:
Large deer
Small deer
Big pine
Small pine
Geleyang (30 ha)
Bengkoang (92 ha)
Twins (11.2 ha)
Katang (2.8 ha)
Krakal Large (2.8 ha)
Krakal Small (2.8 ha)
Beetles (8.8 ha)
Karimun islands in the Java Sea is included in the district of Jepara, Central Java. Karimunjawa now developed into a tourist charm Marine Park which began much-loved local and foreign tourists.
Karimunjawa is a very beautiful group of islands "KARIMUNJAWA Archipelago", a white sand island air, the island of Karimun island dreams, the Islands under the Government of Jepara Regency has 27 islands, one who is divided into 3 sub-villages, all the white sandy island "VIRGIN JAVA" julukanya , perairanya very clear, without any pollution because it is in Karimunjawa far from pollution sources, it is very beautiful, some even like to say "throw the needle in the waters of this Karimunjawa will easily find him" with so many islands there you can still live like Adam and Eve, only two of on a small island without interruption.
Based on the legend that circulated in the islands, the island was discovered by Sunan Muria Karimunjawa. The legend tells of Sunan Muria are concerned about the mischief her son, Amir Hasan. For the purpose of educating, Sunan Muria then ordered his son to go to an island that appears "kremun-kremun" (blurred) from the summit of Mount Moriah for the child can deepen and develop the science of religion. Because it appears "kremun-kremun" then it is the island dinama Karimun Island.
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